College Financial Aid Awards

The Lower East Side Peoples Mutual Housing Association, Inc. (LESPMHA, Inc.) is proud to announce their College Financial Aid Awards.

Barik Dogu Award

The Barik Dogu Award consists of two $2,500 awards which will be given to either a LESPMHA High School graduate who has been accepted into at least one college or university and meets the award criteria or a college student already attending college or university and who meets the award criteria.

The Barik Dogu Award was established by the Lower East Side Peoples Mutual Housing Association, Inc. to honor the memory of a former resident and Board Member who passed away unexpectedly in 2005. Barik Dogu graduated from the University of Marmara with a degree in Chemical Engineering; he was a well-rounded, eloquent individual with varied interests and a sharp wit. Barik stressed the value of a good education because he personally experienced the benefit of a college degree.

Margarita Lopez Community Service Award

The Margarita Lopez Community Service Award consists of one $1,000 award which will be given to a LESPMHA High School graduate who has been accepted to at least one college or university and meets the award criteria.

The Margarita Lopez Community Service Award was established in 2006 by our late Executive Director Mary Spink to honor Margarita Lopez for her years of dedicated community service and to encourage our next generation to follow a similar path. Since coming to the Lower East Side from Puerto Rico in 1978, Margarita has been an avid volunteer, a dedicated worker for the homeless and mentally ill and our elected representative for 11 years. She served as our district leader from 1995-1997 and our 2nd district councilmember from 2001 through 2006. She has always been a strong advocate of higher education and its benefits.

Mary Spink Challenge Award

The Mary Spink Challenge Award consists of two $1,000 awards which will be given to a LESPMHA High School graduate who has been accepted to at least one college or university and meets the award criteria.

The Mary Spink Challenge Award was established in 2009 by our late Executive Director Mary Spink to address our students who are still struggling with the academic process. “As we have received applications over the past four years it became obvious that we were serving the outstanding achievers but missing a chance to help the others who applied. Hopefully, this award will help address that situation.”

Financial aid applications can be picked up at the office or email the office manager, Christine Heredia ( to request one.